CIPAC2023 | Gaowo booth was wonderful, and the theme seminar was successfully held.-News-News-Gaowo



CIPAC2023 | Gaowo booth was wonderful, and the theme seminar was successfully held.

On September 19, the 12th China Intellectual Property Annual Conference(CIPAC) opened in Shandong Building, Jinan.Shen Changyu, Director General of the CNIPA, attended the opening ceremony of the annual conference and delivered an opening speech.

This conference was held with “Intellectual property supports comprehensive innovation” as its theme.As a platinum-level partner, Gaowo Intellectual Property attended the event and gathered with 100 industry leaders from all over the world and more than 8,000 participants at home and abroad to discuss intellectual property development and participate in the innovation event!

On the afternoon of September 19, Gaowo held a special seminar on the theme of "Difficult Legal Issues and Typical Case Analysis of Patent Disputes" to share views, exchange experience and talk about cutting-edge topics of patent protection with the guests.

Gaowo seminar site was full. And attorney Wang Xuezhi delivered a keynote speech “patent rights protection and evidence use skills” , which play an active role for companies to better cope with patent infringement disputes and improve the risk prevention awareness.

Liu Lindong, senior partner of Gaowo Law Firm, delivered a keynote speech on "How to Respond to lawsuits and resolve patent Disputes from typical Cases" at the seminar site, and put forward feasible suggestions for enterprises to deal with and resolve patent disputes from a practical perspective.

In the morning of September 20,in the sub-conference of "Intellectual Property and Service Release", Mr. Zhu Rui, expert patent consultant of Gaowo Law Firm, delivered a keynote speech on "Enterprise Patent Infringement Risk and Countermeasures".Starting from the aspects of how to identify the risk of patent infringement and how to deal with the risk, Mr. Zhu combined with real cases to provide multidimensional solutions for the company's product listing and product sailing process.

The seminar venue was wonderful, and so was Gaowo booth, which attracts the attention of many leaders of government and enterprise units, intellectual property practitioners, and elites in various industries.

Many guests gathered at the Gaowo booth to talk about cutting-edge topics of intellectual property and discuss its innovation and development.The professional team of Gaowo exchanged views and answered questions with the guests, formulated targeted intellectual property solutions, and built a platform for expanding intellectual property exchanges and cooperation.

Over the years, Gaowo has accumulated rich experience in the fields of patent dispute response and intellectual property litigation rights protection. On this conference,Gaowo, through setting a booth,holding seminars and delivering key note speeches, shared experience with the attending guests and talked about IP protection and discussed IP innovation and development, which built a platform for expanding intellectual property exchanges and cooperation and is helpful to improve the IP protection awareness of enterprises and public institutions and boost the innovation and development of the industry.

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