Gaowo's offline salon "Enterprise Patent Mining Layout and FTO work Seminar" was successfully held.-News-News-Gaowo



Gaowo's offline salon "Enterprise Patent Mining Layout and FTO work Seminar" was successfully held.

With the development of intellectual property rights, our country strongly supports the construction of IPR of enterprises, and the awareness of patent protection of enterprises is becoming stronger.As the core assets of enterprises, the exploitation and protection of patents are related to the core interests of enterprises, even the survival of enterprises.

How to find technical gaps based on patent mining and analysis?How to do a good job of FTO or patent risk analysis in advance, so as to predict and resolve the risks.In order to help enterprises quickly improve the practical ability of intellectual property construction, Gaowo held a seminar on patent mining layout and FTO work in the afternoon of March 30th at the headquarters of Gaowo in Beijing Huayi Holding Building. Dozens of enterprise representatives attended the seminar.

The salon was lectured by Zhu Ruizhi, an expert patent consultant of Gaowo, who conveyed the rich content in a variety of ways such as theory and classic case analysis.After the meeting, consultant Zhu also answered questions for the representatives of participating enterprises and put forward a number of constructive suggestions, which solved practical problems for customers and was widely praised by the participants!

For enterprises, only by protecting intellectual property rights from infringement can enterprises occupy the highest point in the fierce competition, so that enterprises can remain invincible in the complex economic environment.From the perspective of enterprise development strategy, the establishment of intellectual property ecosystem directly confirms the pattern and vitality of an enterprise

Especially the awareness of intellectual property protection of many enterprises is not strong enough and they lack the concept of patent mining layout and FTO.One is that they could do nothing about competitors' intellectual property infringement, resulting in damages to their legitimate rights and interests; Secondly, because there is no good awareness of intellectual property protection, they are unable to grow bigger and stronger.

Over the years, Gaowo has been deeply engaged in the field of intellectual property rights, deepened legal services and kept improving, and reached in-depth and extensive cooperation with many outstanding enterprises, experts and scholars.Gaowo will always practice the mission of "creating value for customers wholeheartedly" and escort enterprises with professional, efficient and high-quality service.

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