Public Lecture “How to Improve Writing Level for Patent Application Documents” of Gaowo Is Held Successfully!-News-News-Gaowo



Public Lecture “How to Improve Writing Level for Patent Application Documents” of Gaowo Is Held Successfully!

Gaowo held a public lecture about “How to Improve Writing Level for Patent Application Documents” on March 24, 2017. Xie Liang, former patent examiner and training teacher of State Intellectual Property Office, was invited to explain relevant issues on the spot.

There are more than 50 representatives attending the meeting. Xie Liang states the detail about patent combining with relevant cases, which brings heat discussion.

As the resource for improving core-competitiveness of the enterprise even the whole country, patent plays a very important role in the age of knowledge economy. Patent application documents are the only legal documents to confirm the protection range of patent right, so improving the quality of patent writing becomes a new project for the applicants.

High level patent attorneys and professional process are foundation of patent protection. Gaowo has an experienced team engaged in various fields including electrics, computer, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine and our working language contains English, French, German and Japanese.

With the philosophy “Devotion Achieves Professionalism”, Gaowo devotes to IP industry and provides one-stop service from patent registration to rights protection and litigation. We are glad to help you to solve your issues if you have any problem!

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