Joanna ZHAO
Position:Trademark Attorney/ Patent assistantLanguage:Chinese Englishi
Business area:Trademark Patent
Joanna Zhao
Trademark Attorney/Patent Assistant
Professional field
Joanna specializes in legal affairs of trademark covering the administrative procedures of trademark and patent application and registration;Trademark review, opposition, invalidation, revocation, alteration; Patent infringement, patent invalidation, warning and analysis of cases,
Professional experience
Joanna joined Gaowo in 2016, she has handled more than 200 cases of various types of intellectual property already. Joanna provided intellectual property services for a number of enterprises at home and abroad and accumulated rich trademark and patent theories and practical experience. She has become an reliable and trustworthy expert in Intellectual Property Industry.
Social activities
Member of Intellectual Property Research Institute of China
Educational background
Hebei Agricultural University
Working languages
Chinese, English